Wallasey Medical Centre does not accept ‘out of area’ patients.
Patients currently registered with us who move away will need to register with a new local GP.
We run a total triage system for appointments. This improves efficiency and reduces waiting times. Our online system for requests is called PATCHS. Patients, once triaged, may also be given off-site appointments such as with the Same Day Urgent Care Service, Telephone appointments, ANP appointments or Extended Access Hub appointments (including evenings and weekend).
How to register
Please check the tool above or with reception to see if your address falls within our catchment area. You are asked to bring proof of address (Tenancy agreement, council tax bill, utility bill or bank statement) your NHS number and passport or photo ID*. These details are useful in obtaining your electronic health records from your previous GP surgery.
Your registration status with us will depend on whether you are a visitor, staying temporarily in the area or are a permanent resident.
As it often takes sometime for records to be forwarded from your former practice all newly registered patients will be asked to complete a health questionnaire and if necessary will be offered a New Patient Health Check with the Nurse. If you are on several medications a review appointment with a GP may also be required before we will issue repeat medication.
Find your NHS number
Named Accountable GP information
*These documents are not a mandatory requirement and you will not be refused registration if you cannot produce them.
Please note that for all patients registered at Wallasey Medical Centre the Named Accountable GP is Dr Kitur Patel.
Paper forms are still available if you need one. You can download the form here.
Once you have filled out the form (online or offline) you must also complete the additional forms below. It is important that you do this as there is information in them that we require. Please download them and bring them filled in to the surgery within two weeks of submitting your form.
If you are unable to print these forms off yourself please come into the surgery to collect paper copies.
Additional Forms To Download and Complete
Wallasey Medical Centre - registration form (all patients - any age group) (DOCX, 28KB)
Alcohol Questionnaire (Over 16 years only) (DOCX, 22KB)
Childrens Immunisations History (under 16 years old) (DOCX, 20KB)
Registration & GP Appts INFO (one copy per household) (information) (DOCX, 50KB)